Thursday, February 03, 2011

white in the imlek new year

gong xi fat cai everybody who celebrate it, actually i'm not celebrate it.but i went to my opung's (grandma) house. to celebrate bang gusti who after finished him college he got job and he must training at kalimantan. kalimantan??? who gonna be family keyboardist again? :( good luck bang, i always pray to you!
well, today i'm not wearing something red BUT i'm wearing white t-shirt with garuda as the picture. hmm.......i think i'm wrong costume huh? yes, and i get something bad : i can't get what i want on this imlek new year. i know it's sounds like (in indonesian we like to say) "ah boong banget lo" or "he? masa sih?" but it's true!
okay i'm gonna explain what happen dengan menggunakan bahasa indonsia yang baik
bangun pagi langsung pegel2, dapet kabar gak jadi latihan saman di anjungan baik bagi saya karena saya lagi pegel2 banget. akhirnya siap2 menuju rumah opung tercinta dengan menggunakan kaos berwarna PUTIH, pas sampe disana rupanya saya telat, setelah bernyanyi ria dan segala macam baterai camera saya habis padahal masih mau foto2 keluarga pas lagi nari poco-poco, gak jadi ke pergi ke seuatu tempat padahal udah ngidam dari kapan tau.
that's it, there is good and there is a bad. well are you enjoy your imlek new year holiday? share with me :)

BTW BTW BTW happy birthday dear bang BENA KRIBO. keep success, always be nice to kribonisasi, and keep gaul.
i'm kinda miss your hair bang, next time we must meet again and of course you must pay me for jco donuts okay? ditunggu bang ben

this is the last time we meet

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