Monday, January 31, 2011

teenage dream

HI FELLAS. how are ya? i'm back with smile, happinies, and no more galau.
galau is just the past right? let's find something new.
now i'm gonna tell you what my dream are...
first. singing in front of the people. yes it's my BIG DREAM, i always singing in front of my family. i wanna singing in the stage!
second. meet my idol and i call him "a master" not deddy corbuzier. GLENN FREDLY. i really really really wanna meet him face to face. and singing with him. if that will be come true, i'm spechlees really
third. be a good photographer, i don't have SLR camera, i'm using nikon digital camera the outside is small but if you see the result it's not bad like you using canon/nikon SLR. I WANT CANON EOS 60D!
fourth. be a good child, be a nice girl, be a smart girl, be a tall! please that want i want. i was trying so hard to make my body tall but it's same. my body is still same short, fat. but thanks god i love my self :)
that's all guys. hope all my dream will be come true, cause i'm trying so hard
happy monday, enjoy your day!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 in 1

3 PLACE IN ONE DAY. yes i doing that.yesterday

1. went to kemang. survey for camera with my dad, and mom
2. visiting my grandma at sentul. she's get something seriously in her eyes.
3. went to la piazza, to watching bayu risa performance! that's cool



thank you mom and dad for yesterday i love you

Friday, January 28, 2011

minggu minggu ini

MINGGU MINGGU ini banyak banget lah yang ngebuat gue down, sedih, galau, naksir, marah, kesel dan lain-lain.
gak tau kenapa JANUARI tahun ini sungguh sangat tidak baik sama gue. gue bakal frontal karena gue gak suka dan kemungkinan besar mereka gak liat blog gue
baiklah ini dia kenapa kenapa aja yg ngebuat gue kayak gitu
1. jadi pelampiasan seseorang agar cewek itu cemburu. oke itu nyesek, sedih, marah.
2. dikatain kayaknya sih ya, tapi feeling gue gak enak
3. belum beli tiket java jazz huaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah
4. naksir sama kakak kelas (sudah biasa terjadi bukan?)
5. agak depresi gak tau kenapa
6. family problem. (sorry i can't tell about this)
7. kehilangan orang yang lo suka, that's bad so bad
8. dikecengin sama geng di sekolah, gak tau problem nya apa digituin.


Monday, January 24, 2011

ditraktir makan, trims

terima kasih sangat kepada bou dewi (maaf kalo tulisannya salah) atas makan2nya di sency beberapa hari lalu. itu ayamnya gede banget loh. selamat ulang tahun ya bou dewi, semoga makin bisa traktir kita kita lagi AMIN!!
hari itu pas lagi di traktir sama yg lagi ultah, gue emang lagi capek sangat. dan itu lagi ditraktir juga lagi sama fida disekolah. HOW LUCKY I AM! ngiri?
akhirnya saya buru2 pulang, nge charge BB itulah yg terpenting dalam hidup saya, mandi, ganti baju, pilih baju sampe 20 menit, sholat, otw deh. kira2 berapa jam ya gue ngelakuin hal aneh tadi? diburu waktu itu memang gak enak, padahal masih pengen lama2 milih baju tapi disuruh siap. untung saya kembar, jadi bisa tuker tukeran baju loh, ngiri?
pas sampe sana kita makan-makan deh, dengan satu porsi penuh dengan ayam yg super guedeeeeee banget sama nasi, gimana gak gendutan gue? dipaksa makan enak terus setiap hari :p

maaf ya saya bacot banget nulisnya. BLOG IS MY SECOND DIARY


Saturday, January 22, 2011

new laptop please

hai guys, long time no post. actually i'm not busy of school, and i'm not lazy to post something
BUT something error with my modem and my fucking laptop, errr really hate it!
and now using my dad laptop, but i'm not comfortable using this laptop cause it's too SMALL! SMALL LAPTOP, SMALL MONITOR, SMALL SMALL.
dear my beloved dad, would you like to buy me new laptop? my laptop is getting error so i can't using it again! please *puppy face* :(


Thursday, January 13, 2011


asem banget ya kalo denger cerita gue ini
pertama gak lulus test
kedua tau kalo kakak kelas gue (yg gue suka) jadian sama temen gue
ketiga kasdhondcgnigemrigmc (hanya gue yang tau)
keempat badmood dari hari senin sampe sekarang
kelima test lari 2x, tapi jadi 3kali
dan masih banyak banget cerita asem gue minggu ini tapi gak mau di share semua nanti lo semua kena asemnya juga lagi. well thank you for read this (annyoing) post. enjoy your life
btw i wanna share some photos for you. mudah2an foto2 ini tidak membuat kalian merasa asem ya

candid photo by : amel

Sunday, January 09, 2011

bye bye wavy hair

look my new hair, i''m smoothing again my hair

what do you think?

Saturday, January 08, 2011

dina's birthday

today going to penvil with my girls dina (birthday girl), astrid, dania, rika, niken, nadya, dini and last but not least ira. dina pay all the food (pilih yang mahal, mumpung ditraktir). so sorry din, i don't give you a present
astrid give dina little surprise with a cake, and some big paper with dina's old photo. we laugh, we eat, we had so much fun. cause maybe we are in different school, but we still hang out together that's what friendship means.
i'm gonna tell you something, when i just want to check my money, i take my pocket. when i see the pocket i didn't see my money, so i'm tell astrid (indonesia language)
*lari ke astrid*
me : astrid masa duit gue ilang (dengan muka lemes, tegang, takut, deg-degan semua campur aduk)
astrid : (ngeluarin sesuatu dari tas) ini ada di gue len :p
me : ...........

thank you astrid, you make me scared!thanks a lot
and thanks to dina the birthday girl who pay all the food. photo soon
i heart you din


Friday, January 07, 2011


dear spongebob and phineas and ferb thanks for always make me laugh when i see you. you're makes my mood back


Thursday, January 06, 2011

out and in

bye ticket machine, i'm just thinking one name. Is so me "THE box" why? well i think i must out of my box i must out from my bad side, wanna be nice. you know what i mean? if you don't understand i speak with indonesia language
"gue pengen banget keluar dari box dimana gue itu mendem perasaan gue. kalo sisi buruk dalam diri gue yaitu suka ngomongin orang dari belakang atau yg biasa gue sebut ngegossip gue pengen buang itu jauh jauh dari sifat gue gak baik banget, gue pernah merasakan" that's what i'm talking about. gak nyambung ya? the point is i just change my name blog, enjoy

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

2010 moments

1. attending java jazz festival 2010. hope this year (2011) i can come again
2. berpisah sama surapatih 30, i love you guys so so much. and i miss you guys
3. my birthday! i'm 14years old :D
4. blackberry javelin in my hand!!!! (finally)
5. watching soulvibe at citos after graduation
6. say hello to senior high school and say hello to my school (104)
7. bertemu teman teman yang baik sangat baik XCD! mwah
9. can't come to soulnation day 2 cause i'm performing my saman dance. but if i can't come to soulnation day 2 i got YACKO voice note and yacko shout my name from the stage
10. rayi from ran mention me! and RAN retweet my tweets. i know your face when you read this "yeeeelaah, biasa aja kali" but if you know i'm so so so so so happy with that :p
11. after photo with bayu soulvibe he said "kamu yang lenanci itu kan ya?"
12. FOTO SAMA IGA MASSARDI DARI THE TREES AND THE WILD!!!!!!!! pingsan woy saya pingsan
13. abenk & bayu soulvibe tarik saya ke stage pas mereka perform 2 KALI!
14. sean kingston concert! thanks to kak intan for give me free ticket
15. crying because i don't got maroon five ticket cause it's sold out. i'm waiting your KUDA om adrie
16. new year with endah N rhesa! oh gosh, endah still remember me :')

thanks 2010 for the beautiful moments
thanks a lot for all that moments, i always remember that. good bye 2010, and welcome 2011 happy new year



so sorry i'm late....
spending my time with my family at bandung btw. wisata kuliner uhuy!
well, happy new year and merry christmas hohoho *santa laugh*
hope 2011 makes us happy and 2011 give us something new. Hope....