Sunday, February 27, 2011

moms roomy

Sunday morning and its raining outside
anyway yesterday i went to blogger yard sale and meet my friend sissy or "pastel girl" and i bought 2 clothes, 2 rings (one for my mom) and 2 bracelet. they all too cute and also cheap!

happy sunday guys

Friday, February 25, 2011

super kids

this afternoon, i went to outside and looking for some good object. Cause now i'm learning 'how to be a good photographer'

 "Can I sell this bike?"

 mother : "hey you kids don't fight!"
 kids (1) : "we are just playing mom....."

 "is that your home boy?"

 boy : "hey"
  girl: "what?"

 boy : "arh damn, i fall!"
 girl : "quite and just see the boy"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


my best friends gave me this awesome birthday present, thanks guys!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


hi everybody, well my birthday is last sunday and i will tell you how happy i am when my friends is giving me surprise
while i had a chit chat with my daddy in the sofa, suddenly i heard sounds of the door is opened and it's my FRIENDS! my junior high friends came to giving me a surprise, they bought me a cakes and some flour and perfuming clothes and throw it away to my body, yikes but i am so happy :)

anyway i got a birthday wishes from my favorite artist :

 "Waaaah si Lena juga ultah @ ..happy birthday girl! Semoga2 yg terbaik :)" from frans soulvibe
 "Happy b'day,wish u all the best!" handy soulvibe
 "Happy birthday @ ! : )" abenk soulvibe
 "@ ya ampyun Lenaaaa! Maaf lupaa mau ngucapin,secara hectic bgt! Happy belated bday! Xoxo...    Love u dear! Always :)" endah from endah N rhesa

Sunday, February 20, 2011

happy birthday lena

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to ME"

hi guys, now i'm officially 15. in this beautiful day i wanna say thank you for the birthday wishes i'm so happy and excited to reply all
and thanks to all who send me birthday wishes on bbm, twitter, facebook and message
really i wanna cry it's my best birthday ever....:)
you making my day guys!
and thanks to my friend who gives me some voice note ah i really love it!!! :*
once again THANK YOU

Saturday, February 19, 2011

talking saturday

       hey fellas. how's your weekend? enjoy that? :)
       well i will tell you cause i'm so excited for today and tomorrow
  • today me and my dad will buy some new camera!! wohooo really excited for this and my camera's favorite is canon and goes to canon 60D
  • today is my best friend birthday amel, you can see on my last post
  • today ummm i meant tomorrow is my birthday!! i'm not 14 anymore
  • today i hope i can watching ttatw and soulvibe performance at kemang. wanna join?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


selamat ulang tahun raka teman sekelas saya, yang kadang kalo lagi pelajaran sejarah duduk bareng saya yang sok keren, padahal biasa aja. terima kasih tadi udah siram2 saya sampe jadi flu berat begini. traktirannya saya tunggu brother.
(photo soon)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hurts me

saya terlahir dengan berat badan 1,7 waktu bayi, dan sekarang umur saya sudah 14 tahun bertubuh mungil pendek tidak lebih dari 160cm dan mempunyai tangan yang sangat kecil hampir sama dengan tangan anak 10 tahun. adakah yang salah dengan saya? adakah yang salah? adakah yang salah? adakah? kalian tidak tau seberapa sakitnya saya

Monday, February 14, 2011

monday afternoon story

hey guys, what's up? well i don't wanna talking about valentine's day cause i'm mouslem and i don't celebrate it :)
monday back again, doing the same activity school, study and school
but today i'm kinda badmood cause PMS girl problems, well i have my own secret to makes me happy again. and this is the secret....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

our first time

hi everybody enjoy the weekend?
if you ask me with the same question i would like to answer YES YES and YES
no of course
i'm  going to perform with my saman team at al-azhar BSD today
it's our first competion, well we kinda nervous but me i'm not nervous cause i know we (my team) will give the best for saman
okay, my number is 20, when the mc call the number. i saw my mom, my mother friends, my dad who taking the pictures, and i'm kinda surprise with it MY GRANDMA COMESS!!!
well if you think it's too over but you know the feel when people who you loves comes to see my performance umm i mean US
let's talk about the performance, when bang degam play the "gendang" applause from senior, family it majes me feel so happy :)
after the performance was end, i was so proud of my self i thinks it's not bad but we didn't win actually i'm not sad or dissapointed about that i'm just enjoy and happy and the important is i'm proud of my team,  my senior team and my self
and here we go some pictures of me and my (candid) friends

Saturday, February 12, 2011


siapkan mental yang kuat, percaya diri, jangan terlalu capek, istirahat yang cukup dan yang paling penting BERDOA

Thursday, February 10, 2011

i call her "nenek"

beberapa bulan yang lalu nenek gue datang kerumah pada saat gue sedang mengaji. setelah gue selesai. tiba tiba nenek gue bertanya "mau nanya nih, kenapa ya kok ini mata saya kalo lagi liat sesuatu gelap semua tapi masih ada cahaya kecil" guru gue pun cuman bisa jawab mungkin itu katarak karena nenek udah tua. sungguh aneh bukan bertanya kepada yang bukan ahli mata?
akhirnya nyokap gue pun bawa nenek gue ke rumah sakit *BIPPPPPPP*
akhirnya gue pulang juga kerumah, seperti biasa naik ojek kalo nyokap lagi gak dirumah. Pas sampe rumah gue ngeliat ada nenek gue dan tante gue. langsung lah gue salam mereka dan setelah mereka pulang nyokap gue panggil gue.
"lenaaaaaaaa" ya begitu lah orang batak kalo manggil anaknya dengan suara agak keras
akhirnya nyokap gue cerita panjang lebar dan ini dia cerita nyokap gue...
"lena, tadi mami ke rumah sakit sama nenek sama tante. nenek itu matanya kena katarak sama glukoma. jadi nenek kalo ngeliat cuman sedikit bisanya. nih coba kamu liat nih......pengobatan nenek juga mahal sekitar 30 jutaan"
setelah mendengar itu gue langsung liat mata gue dikaca dan meneteskan air mata....serius gue gak boong rasanya gue pengen ngasih mata gue ke nenek
akhirnya gue baca brosur tentang glukoma, nanti diakhir post ini gue bakal kasih liat sesuatu
beberapa minggu kemudian gue jenguk nenek gue di sentul, pas masuk nenek gue udah ngeraba raba kayak orang (maaf) buta. gue langung lari nolong dia, tapi dia selalu bilang gini "gak usah nenek bisa kok...."
nenek gue sempet hilang semangatnya, dia takut bayar operasinya gimana, dan segala macam
gue liatnya aja udah sedih banget. kalo gak ada nenek gue nanti siapa yang masak seenak dia? :'( hiks
dan kemaren nenek gue dateng kerumah di saaat gue lagi ujian.
nyokap gue ninggalin gue sama nenek berdua dirumah, tiba tiba nenek manggil gue dan dia ada di tangga. gimana bisa coba nenenk gue tiba2 ada di tangga?? berarti dia raba-raba kan pas naik ke atasnya kalo jatuh gimana? dia minta tolong sama gue, pencetin nomor telpon rumahnya dia aja udah gak bisa liat tanda tanda di HPnya. setelah selesai nelpon dia mau turun langsung gue taawarin "nek, mau dibantu gak?" nenek gue bilang "gak kok bisa sendiri" gue diem gue pura2 keatas, padahal cuman naik 2 tangga, gue liatin nenek gue turun, sambil megangin peganga tangga, sambil ngeraba2. 
get well soon fast granny XOXO
nek cepet sembuh ya nek, biar bisa bikinin daging sambel lagi, biar bisa ngasih lena vintage clothes lagi
i heart you :")

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

inspiration of the name

so many people ask me. what is THE BOX mean? well, i'm already tell you in the last post you can check it if you want to :)
but you don't know where i can get this name right?
lemme tell you
once upon a time, when i was went to the mall. I saw glenn fredly new CD the tittle is "lovevolution" cause i'm huge fans of glenn fredly so i buy that CD
and the next day when i'm just open my blog, i'm kinda bored with that name. i'm looking for something new, and i see the cover of glenn's cd and tadaa! i  got some ideas
at the same time, i'm open mr. google and search some pictures...
well i got it ( you can see in my header). and finally just changed the heaader and name of my blog be THE BOX
cause i can share you what inside the box (re: my self)
hope you enjoy the post guys

Thursday, February 03, 2011

white in the imlek new year

gong xi fat cai everybody who celebrate it, actually i'm not celebrate it.but i went to my opung's (grandma) house. to celebrate bang gusti who after finished him college he got job and he must training at kalimantan. kalimantan??? who gonna be family keyboardist again? :( good luck bang, i always pray to you!
well, today i'm not wearing something red BUT i'm wearing white t-shirt with garuda as the picture. hmm.......i think i'm wrong costume huh? yes, and i get something bad : i can't get what i want on this imlek new year. i know it's sounds like (in indonesian we like to say) "ah boong banget lo" or "he? masa sih?" but it's true!
okay i'm gonna explain what happen dengan menggunakan bahasa indonsia yang baik
bangun pagi langsung pegel2, dapet kabar gak jadi latihan saman di anjungan baik bagi saya karena saya lagi pegel2 banget. akhirnya siap2 menuju rumah opung tercinta dengan menggunakan kaos berwarna PUTIH, pas sampe disana rupanya saya telat, setelah bernyanyi ria dan segala macam baterai camera saya habis padahal masih mau foto2 keluarga pas lagi nari poco-poco, gak jadi ke pergi ke seuatu tempat padahal udah ngidam dari kapan tau.
that's it, there is good and there is a bad. well are you enjoy your imlek new year holiday? share with me :)

BTW BTW BTW happy birthday dear bang BENA KRIBO. keep success, always be nice to kribonisasi, and keep gaul.
i'm kinda miss your hair bang, next time we must meet again and of course you must pay me for jco donuts okay? ditunggu bang ben

this is the last time we meet